What I have been doing in 2023 as part of the Google Developers Community?

What I have been doing in 2023 as part of the Google Developers Community?
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This year has been filled with a lot of activities, including event planning, speaking at various engagements, and contributing to community blogs. The mentoring sessions were particularly valuable. Now, let's turn back the clock and revisit the memorable moments from this year:

Organised as Google Crowdsource Mauritius, in Collaboration with Women Techmakers Mauritius and Google Developers Group Mauritius:

4th February 2023: Discovering AI in Education Part 1

29th April 2023: AI series on 'Computer Vision with Convolution Neural Networks in Industries

20th May 2023: AI series on the future of medical diagnosis

Invited as Women Techmakers Ambassador / GDSC Mentor for Speaker session:

4th march 2023: invited by GDSC ULC-ICAM and ODC to present on how to architecture their software when working on any kind of project for the Solution Challenge.

18th March 2023: Flutter Bootcamp 1st session

25th March 2023: Flutter Bootcamp 2nd session

8th April 2023: Flutter Bootcamp 3rd session

15th April 2023: Flutter Bootcamp 4th session

29th April 2023: international women day dare to be 2023: https://wtm-ray.netlify.app/ with WTM

21st July 2023: Developers Conference in Mauritius - introduction to flutter

5th august 2023: Google I/O Mauritius - Creating Private Flutter Packages

25th October 2023: AI & Mobile - The power of Two for women in tech Africa week 2023 with Kaneez Fatima Jowaheer

28th October 2023: DevFest Mauritius - Mastering Flutter: Revealing the Power of White Labeling for Apps.

16th November 2023: community call SSA GSDC francophone to assist gdscs as Mentor

Writing Blog post under WTM:

18th January 2023: Deep Dive into Flutter Design Patterns [part 1]

22nd March 2023: Dart Extension Method in Flutter Projects

24th September 2023: Determine offspring sex based on genes XX and XY chromosomes using Dart (2.14)

25th September 2023: Solving Minimum Steps Problem with O(n log n) Complexity: A Dart Approach

7th October 2023: Self-Hosting Ghost Blog

24th October 2023: Deep Dive into Flutter Design Patterns [part 2] [Behavioural design Pattern]

3rd November 2023: Flutter Layouts - Part 1

17th November 2023: Understanding stateless widget [Flutter Edition - Part 1]

Mentoring under WTM:

28th January 2023: Mentoring session:

I have covered the basic fundamentals of Flutter to a student - remotely. We went through what a stateless, stateful widget is and also covered the Flutter widget tree.

4th February 2023: Mentoring session:

I explained how to create a flutter project, the different folders seen when we already create the project and how to run a flutter project. I also did a walkthrough over the stateless widget and how to use the different properties of scaffold, appbar, container and text widget.

Volunteered to build:

  • Al-Meezaan Hajj app using Flutter and Firebase
  • Zero Depression Applications using Flutter and Firebase

However, nothing stops here, and there is definitely

About Me

I am Zaahra, a Google Women Techmakers Ambassador who enjoy mentoring people and writing about technical contents that might help people in their developer journey. I also enjoy building stuffs to solve real life problems.

To reach me:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/faatimah-iz-zaahra-m-0670881a1/

X (previously Twitter): _fz3hra

GitHub: https://github.com/fz3hra


Umme Faatimah-Iz-Zaahra Mujore | Google Women TechMakers Ambassador | Software Engineer